Labels:bulletin board | reckoner | sky OCR: FIVE TO GO FOR GROWTH FLOW These stacks have low multiples of growth flow- per- share reported earnings plus spending on research and development relative to an index compiled by the Cafi- fornis Technology Stock Letter. Stocks arc ranked by edi- tors Murphy and Morgenthaler's projected peroxntage gains in share prices by year-en 1992 Cadence and Cray are listed on the NYSE: the others trade over the counter Price Projecfed 1992 Recan Stock PE Price Cadenoe Design 518 116 75 $1.25 $30 Sottware PTh 18 6.6 1.85 10 27 CrayResearch 4 3 5.2 4.55 65 Lattice Semi 10 5.5 1.10 17 Tekeler 1.55 25 CTSL Tndex 216 8.6 13.07 NA. renorted ltur gain Stoc